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389 Health Inequality Research project

Date: October 2019-Onwards
Designed by: Christian Tighe

“The pandemic has thrown health inequalities into the public spotlight like never before, from the disproportionate risk of death felt by BAME communities (PHE, 2020) to a rising interest in state provision of children's school meals . Many of the factors that strongly influence an individual’s physical, mental and social wellbeing are influenced by factors outside their control from exposure to pollution, to income level and gender. My project aims to use participatory action research methods to design novel digital tools that will allow people to quantify and understand the impacts of social determinants on their health. The responses to the survey linked to in the advertising campaign are being used to inform the prototyping and conceptual design of the initial calculator. The general concept is based on a significant body of research, most notably the WHO's Global Health Risk Report and the Marmot Report 'Fair Society, Healthy Lives'. All statistics used in the project are based on openly available public health datasets.

The use of promoted advertising through social media is intended to be a response to the use of memes/viral images as a means of spreading misinformation and 'fake news' about coronavirus and public health more broadly. This technique itself is evolving over the course of the project.”