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356 Domestic Farmer Furniture

Date: April 2020
Designed by: Francesco Frulio
Credit: / @francesco.frulio

In the future, we will find ourselves living indoor for longer periods and homes will have to transform into self-sufficient environments as global warming and health crises become more common. Domestic Farmer Furniture was born as a response to this new scenario.

The project is a modular cultivation system that transforms indoor furniture into small hydroponic greenhouses. Domestic Farmer Furniture uses natural and low impact materials, like terracotta, which, thanks to its insulating properties, allows the greenhouses to maintain an ideal temperature and humidity for the growth of the plants. With its compact, modular design, the furniture performs the double function of furniture and hydroponic greenhouse, allowing for the optimal utilisation of indoor space. With this design, users will be able to rediscover our lost relationship with nature due to time spent inside.